Logistic excursion for students of MS Logistics – Metrans
On 12 November 2019, students of the minor specialization of the 3LT Department of Logistics took part in an excursion in the area of the intermodal transport operator METRANS a.s. in Prague-Uhříněves, which is also a partner of the department.
After the presentation of the company and its operations by Mr. Platil, METRANS Sales Manager Intermodal Germany, the students moved on a guided tour through the terminal area. Right at the entrance, they saw the process of checking the technical condition of the ISO container, then the students had the opportunity to look into the container and become familiar with its elements. There was an intermodal freight wagon that was put out of operation, and which parts could be seen from the immediate distance. The visit continued through other parts of the company area designated for the repair of damaged, storage of empty and full containers. They also saw the manipulation of intermodal transport units using so-called “reach stackers” and gantry cranes.
The excursion was positively perceived by students because of its richness, clarity and expertise.
Authors: Jakub Kačmár and Miroslav Leško