City logistics best practices: lesson learnt in Paris
In late November 2021 and within the project TAČR CK01000032, the department of logistics members together with the representative of Transport Engineering Faculty, University of Pardubice met with Laetitia Dablanc, professor at Université Gustave Eiffel and being the project team member. The project trip abroad included the project presentation and the discussion with Ville de Paris representatives. The organization focuses on the support of sustainable city and urban logistics in Paris while cooperating with the wide range of its stakeholders. Besides, the department members met with the managers of Sogaris, logistics developer active in the field of sustainable city logistics and the implementation of relevant business solutions in Paris and several French cities. Moreover, they observed the unique city logistics solution based on intermodal transport of perishable goods (food) employing the combined distribution by the lorries and barges.