
Research project on the students’ attitudes towards electric cars by VŠE and ŠKODA AUTO

The Univesity of Economics in Prague and ŠKODA AUTO collaborated on a research project regarding the exploration of the attitudes of University students in Czech Republic towards sustainability, environmentally friendly/electric cars and ŠKODA AUTO as an employer. Dr Marek Vinš from the Department of Logistics, Dr Efthymia Kottika from the Deparment of Marketing and Dr […]

Research project on the students’ attitudes towards electric cars by VŠE and ŠKODA AUTO

A member of the Department of Logistics received the international certification INCOTERMS® 2020 Trainer International Chamber of Commerce

Doc. Ing. Petr Kolar, Ph.D. from the Department of Logistics received the prestigious professional certification INCOTERMS® 2020 Trainer after passing a rigorous international exam, which requires nomination and its approval by the national representation of the International Chamber of Commerce. Worldwide, only about fifty selected experts from 20 countries have this certification, who are recruited, […]

A member of the Department of Logistics received the international certification INCOTERMS® 2020 Trainer International Chamber of Commerce

New book published by a member of the Dep. of Logistics regarding international transport documents

The publication Mezinárodní přepravní doklady (International Transport Documents) (published earlier this year by Wolters Kluwer) systematically captures the documents used in the international transport of goods (cargo, consignments) according to individual transport branches (modes). This book only deals with shipping documents. Accompanying documents (eg customs documents, insurance documents, accompanying transport documents, forwarding documents, etc.) are […]

New book published by a member of the Dep. of Logistics regarding international transport documents

Department of Logistics and its business partners as part of MBA for Students

Based on the cooperation with its partners, the Department of Logistics organized Logistics and Transport module within the MBA for Students Programme January 26 – 29. The Faculty of Business Administration provides the MBA programme together with ZHAW University (School of Management and Law). Within the 4-day block, David Piškanin, son of HOPI Holding, a. […]

Department of Logistics and its business partners  as part of MBA for Students

CEMS Research Seminar and meeting of the Faculty Group (FG) Logistics of the CEMS

The 17th CEMS SCM Research Seminar and CEMS Logistics Faculty Group meeting took place with the participation of the Department of Logistics. From 22 to 26 January, an annual meeting of Ph.D. students and academics from CEMS schools was held in Riezlern, Austria. Members of these schools focus on supply chain management, logistics, and transport. […]

CEMS Research Seminar and meeting of the Faculty Group (FG) Logistics of the CEMS

The meeting of Maritime Club of the Association of Forwarding and Logistics of the Czech Republic

On 4 December 2019, a meeting of the Working Group of the Maritime Club of the Association of Forwarding and Logistics of the Czech Republic (SSL ČR) was held in the Education Center of the University of Pardubice in Prague. The Department of Logistics is an associate member of SSL ČR and its representatives regularly […]

The meeting of Maritime Club of the Association of Forwarding and Logistics of the Czech Republic

Logistic excursion for students of MS Logistics – Metrans

On 12 November 2019, students of the minor specialization of the 3LT Department of Logistics took part in an excursion in the area of ​​the intermodal transport operator METRANS a.s. in Prague-Uhříněves, which is also a partner of the department. After the presentation of the company and its operations by Mr. Platil, METRANS Sales Manager […]

Logistic excursion for students of MS Logistics – Metrans

Excursion of MS Logistics students – GEFCO and TPCA, Kolín

Students of minor specialization 3LT Logistics – International Transport and Freight Forwarding visited on Tuesday 19.11. 2019 the factory of GEFCO, which is a partner company of the Department of Logistics, and the company TPCA in Kolín. At first, they had a chance to see the GEFCO company premises, where they got acquainted with business […]

Excursion of MS Logistics students – GEFCO and TPCA, Kolín

Initiative for the Automotive Supply Chains in Visegrad Group

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bács-Kiskun County has been successful in winning funding from the Visegrad Funds, to deliver a 2-day (18thand 19thNovember 2019) event exploring ways to improve the competitiveness and long-term sustainability of the Automotive Supply Chains in Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Stakeholders from these countries will discuss the main […]

Initiative for the Automotive Supply Chains in Visegrad Group

Students of Logistics minor spec. on an excursion to the headquarters of DB Schenker, CZ

Students of the minor specialization of Logistics visited together with the head of the Department of Logistics doc. JUDr. Ing. Radek Novák, CSc. and Ing. Petr Kolář, Ph.D. the headquarters of DB Schenker in the Czech Republic, which is a partner company of the Department of Logistics at the FBA. Since the morning of the […]

Students of Logistics minor spec. on an excursion to the headquarters of DB Schenker, CZ