Nestlé nabízí Graduate Program in Finance
Firemní partner katedry, společnost Nestlé, spustil přihlašování do Graduate Program in Finance.
Pozice je určena primárně čerstvým absolventům, příp. studentům v posledním roce studia. Jedná se o práci na plný úvazek v oddělení financí, s tím, že zaměstnanec bude postupně zastávat různé funkce (Sales/Business Controlling, Decision Support). Ze strany společnosti jsou požadavky hlavně analytické dovednosti, proaktivita, a dobrá angličtina a čeština. Zároveň přijatý člověk bude mít možnost osobního rozvoje v rámci školení, mentoringu i teambuildingových aktivit.
Sales Controlling module
• Experience the daily routine in Sales Controlling, do not “just” update reports, rather start to use the data as a tool to challenge the team for better business achievements
• Become the key person in the decision process via providing strong insights based on the promo activities evaluation that you conduct on your own
• Experience the Sales atmosphere from Finance perspective and collaborate together with the team on the forecasting process
• Get familiar with the ways of working and regular business practices among the market via severe analysis of Trade spend
Business Controlling module
• Experience the daily routine in Business Controlling
• Portfolio innovation and renovation P&L calculations
• Participate on the decision of new products launch
• Supporting marketing managers in building different scenarios of pricing and portfolio structure to bring the most profitable solution
• Perform month-end reporting and price proposal approvals
Decision support module
• Get understanding of overall corporate controlling, processes in the company and get overall Nestlé business insight
• Participation in selected period-end closing activities
• Participation in various projects or leading a small project
• Various reporting tasks; preparation & regular update of standardized reports
• Involvement in monthly forecasting process; consolidation of inputs & communication with stakeholders
• 1+ years experience or Graduate with some experience during study
• Analytical skills
• Excel & PowerPoint user
• Result Focus
• Ability to work Independently
• Attentive to details
• Pro-active, advanced communication skills
• Open-minded attitude and problem-solving ability
• Strong interpersonal skills, team-player
• Proficiency in English
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